SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER (SAD) RELIEF | A Conversation starter...

I've been dealing with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) for as long as I can remember. For the longest time I just assumed I was a shy, introverted person, someone who was simply not outgoing. I came to the conclusion that this was something I had to deal with. I wanted more than anything to speak up, and to put my ideas forward. But, I couldn't. I couldn't even open my mouth a lot of the time. My mind was consumed with this overwhelming nervousness that I couldn't comprehend. Why did I feel this way? I would say to myself: "You're with close friends and family, and people you can trust. Relax!" Trying to talk myself down didn't work. It never seemed to work. Sometimes family and friends would notice that I was in some sort of distress. Every once in a while I would try and explain what was happening with me, and what I was going through. But, nobody got it. People would say, "Hmmm? That sucks dude." "That's really strange." "Just relax." "Take deep breaths." "Everybody get's stressed out." "Join the club." If you experience Social Anxiety Disorder, I'm sure you've heard some version of these remarks by friends, family or coworkers. But, of course, it's not that simple.

The sickness in my stomach, the pounding heartbeat, the sweaty, shaky hands, and the headaches become too much too bear. So, I finally decided to see a doctor. After speaking with a counselor, and taking medication, my SAD became easier to deal with. But, it never truly goes away. There isn't a cure. So, I seek help wherever I can find it. Talking with family and friends is a huge help. You HAVE to speak up in order to deal with SAD. Talking is really the best medicine. Although I realize that's easier said than done.

I created Sad Relief because I wanted to create a space where people can find some kind of relief. I wanted a place where people afflicted with this problem can chat openly with one another. I wanted to create a place where people can say to themselves, "Finally, someone gets it!" Smiley :)

Music has played a huge part in helping me deal with my SAD. If you have a favorite artist or track you'd like me to feature, please let me know by submitting it via the form below.

© Copyright 2013 Candy Hearts - "Bad Idea"